Group Show, 2020
I’m glad you’ve
I’m glad you’ve
already noticed
- Fabian Bergmark Näsman
- Florence Jung
- Alina Lupu
- Alex Murray
- Linda Pedersen
- Rustan Söderling
- Michelle Son
- Joar Torbiörnsson
- Giorgos Tsiongas

The exhibition “I’m glad you’ve already noticed” curated by Joar Torbiörnsson & Giorgos Tsiongas is an international group show spawning from the idea of heterotopia*; opening on to a dissociative mode of curation & presentation.
The invited artists are programming their heterotopias in a vintage shop which has suspended its original function temporarily. The works presented here come from various artists & disciplines yet what they all share perhaps is a common approach in testing or undermining not only our connection with common names, images or operations, yet our subjective orientation around them.
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